Crimes committed by minors: the most common in Italy

Knowing the crimes committed by minors is essential, especially if you have young children. Responding to the conduct of children and teenagers under the age of 14, in fact, are the parents, often unaware of the steps to take to get out of trouble.
In the following lines, we will delve into the most common crimes committed by minors and their legal consequences. We will also provide a ranking of the regions of Italy at higher risk and some advice to prevent such occurrences.
What are the crimes committed by minors?
The range is broad, but the crimes most frequently committed by minors are undoubtedly those perpetrated on the web.
Here's what to watch out for in your child's online activities:
- Defamation and insults on social media, forums, and other online spaces
- Downloading copyrighted content for profit
- Streaming videos
- Cyberstalking
- Revenge porn
- Impersonation
- Cyberbullying
- Child pornography
In the latter case, those who download or store photos or videos on their devices, even for a single moment and regardless of the sender's intent, are liable to prosecution.
Among other offenses, not committed online, we can mention the following:
- Car vandalism
- Theft
- Violent acts
- Defacement of public property
- Possession of drugs above legal limits
- Drug trafficking
- Disturbance of public peace
- Driving under the influence of alcohol and its consequences
- Threats
The order of the list is random and does not take into account the frequency.
What are the legal consequences?
For your child, criminal responsibility begins at the age of fourteen. This condition is valid even if, at the time of the offense, they are under the influence of alcohol or have voluntarily taken drugs.
Below the age of 14, the child is not considered criminally liable by the law, so you will have to answer for their conduct in front of the competent judge.
For those who reach the age of majority, the accountability of minors between 14 and 18 is assessed on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with Article 98 of the Criminal Code. In particular, it is up to the judge to determine the minor's actual capacity to understand and will during the crime.
Almost always, however, the sentence decided in court is reduced, following the provisions of the Criminal Code, Legislative Decree Implementing No. 272 of July 28, 1989, and the Code of Juvenile Criminal Procedure (DPR 448 of 1988).
Trends in Italy of Crimes Committed by Minors
Statistical investigations in recent years highlight an increased prevalence of criminal acts by minors. The frequency varies depending on the local reality: theft, drug trafficking, and drug possession tend to occur more frequently in large cities, while vandalism, disturbance of public peace, threats, and drunk driving happen almost everywhere. Other types of crimes, on the other hand, occur in specific regions of Italy, often linked to mafia associations, the Camorra, or the 'Ndrangheta. In general, the regions with the highest percentages of juvenile delinquency are Lazio, Campania, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, and surprisingly, Umbria. Liguria, Veneto, Piemonte, and Toscana closely follow.
What to Do to Prevent Minors from Committing Crimes?
Preventing your child from committing crimes and getting the whole family into trouble is possible if you act on multiple levels. The first is prevention, made possible through education based on respect for people, things, and places: make your child (or teenager) understand how rules are useful for living peacefully and preserving their freedom. Another effective strategy is direct monitoring (carried out discreetly) of digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. Keeping a close eye on social media, email, text messages, websites visited, and other aspects will allow you to intervene when needed. Even more effective is indirect monitoring, especially when your child is away from home or you suspect they associate with questionable individuals. In this case, a private investigator is the ideal choice for you, as they can follow the child without arousing suspicion and gather all the evidence you need. To ensure a high-quality service, choose a professional with a valid license, preferably specialized in crimes committed by minors and related offenses. At the end of the investigation, they will provide you with the collected materials and a written report, based on which you can take the appropriate steps.